Sunday, February 11, 2018

Geography Week of 12-16

Day 1 (30 min. classes)
1. Five Themes of Geography reviewed (textbook p. 20-24)
2. Watch video on the subject
3. Notebook: each student will be given a composition book to take notes in
4. HW: none yet

Day 2
1. Chose countries to research for the International Fair day in March
2. HW: none yet

Day 3
1. Began Cornell notes on the Five Themes of Geography
2. Youtube: What is Location (Catherine Atkinson)
3. HW: not yet

Day 4
1. Cornell notes on the Five Themes of Geography continued
2. Fiished  Location, began Place
3. HW: not yet

History Week of Feb 12-16

Day 1 (30 min. classes)
1. Ch 4 Sect 1 study guide handed out.  Worked on it during class.  Corrected Day 2
2. HW: finish study guide

Day 2
1. Corrected Ch 4 study guide in class.  Points given for completion of the assignment.
2. The classroom resource book Usborne Greeks was introduced (it does not go home).
3. Book used to introduce the early Greeks: Minoans and Mycenaeans.
4. Goal: to read p. 4-13. To know enough about each group so as to see the similarities and
    differences between them.
5. HW: study the Ch 4 study guide for a quiz next week. Date to be announced.

Day 3
1. Continue reading about the Minoans and the Mycenaeans in the Usborne book
2. Took reading notes on Trade, Religion, Palaces, Location, Writing
3. YouTube movie suggestion for those interested:
     BBC: Atlantis the End of a World Birth of a Legend (Archeo Atlas) about 1 hour long
4. HW: Review the Ch 4 study guide

Day 4
1. Turn in the Usborne: Greeks Minoan and Mycenaean foldable
2.  Handout: Minoan and Mycenaeans
     a. read and highlight the reading sheet
     b. fill out the notes hadout (use the reading sheet)
3. Due at the end of the period.
4. HW: Review the Ch. 4 Study Guide

History Week of Feb 5-9

Day 1
1. Book of the Dead video
2. Video notes foldable (6 topics) Due Day 3
3. HW: go over the video notes

Day 2
1. Book of the Dead video/finish
2. Video notes foldable/finish at home if needed
3. HW:  work on video notes if needed

Day 3
1. Turn in Book of the Dead video notes
2. Textbook: review what needs to be read: 152-153/156-157
3. Be prepared to answer Assessment questions for Sect 1 and 2
4. A study guide for Ch 4 Sect 1/2 will be given starting Day 1 of next week

Day 4
1. Hieroglyphic video/writing activity
2. Practice listening and note taking
3. Given directions, material and hieroglyphic alphabet (on blog) in class for writing activity
4. Due Day 1 next week
5. HW: finish your first and last name or phrase in hieroglyphic writing as instructed