Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Health Week of Jan. 16-19

Day 1
1. Quizzes over the body systems handed back
2. Discussed The Truth About Sugar YouTube video watched as homework over the weekend.
3. You turned in the reaction paragraph that you wrote about the video.
4. Watched a Ted Talk short video about hidden sugars/Discussed
5. Passed out a Sugar/What they are, Where they are found and What they do handout
6. Homework: Check cupboards at home and write down at least 5 products, serving size
    and sugar grams per serving.  Be ready to share with class on Day 2.

Day 2
1. You shared the homework assignment results with a partner/discussed in class
2. Introduced Proteins by watching a short YouTube video/discussed
3. Reading worksheet for Lesson 1 p. 4-5 passed out. 
4. Do numbers 1-8 ONLY!
5. We will finish the worksheet on Day 3 by focusing on Amino Acids.
6. Homework: Lesson 1/ Proteins p. 4-5 questions 1-8

Day 3 (Last Health class)
1. Protein worksheet: Discuss and complete Amino Acids
2. Discuss Lesson 1: Carbohydrates
3. Sample foods that represent Proteins and Carbs
4. Turn in all work

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